Called to Serve

January 13, 2010 - January 13, 2012

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Dear Family,

Sorry I don't have a lot of time today, we went to the temple and it was awesome! I have some more pics to send to you so i'm gunna work on those, but i love you and hope everything is going good at home! Stay strong and read your scriptures! =P

Elder Romm

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Area

Dear Family,

So this week went pretty good. We found some good peeps to teach and visited all the people we're going to baptize. There are like 6 people here that have been going to church for a year and haven't been baptized yet. And our president said that they are closing 5 more areas after this transfer so we have to baptize everyone because this area hasn't been doing so hot for the last little while so we think this one might be the next to go. I don't have a lot to say this week because we just have to wait and see. We have people who need to be baptized this week but they need to pass interviews and actually see the need for them to be baptized. It’s complicated. The members here are really cool but the ward is really desanimado. (Sorry I can’t think of the English version of that word to save my life) so we are gunna plan an awesome activity and get everyone going again with a few new converts.

Elder Romm

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Mommy + Family,

Hey mom, I’m glad that you had a great week at the coast! I really miss the ocean lol. I love what you said about centering your life around the gospel, it’s very true. Yesterday I taught the plan of salvation to an investigator with a member all by myself, it was scary. But I also learned something. While I was explaining about what it is that we came to this earth to complete and what our purpose was I realized that I said almost nothing about those things that I was missing from home. We really have a great purpose and a great reward; and when you clear all the other junk off the path you really realize that it actually is straight and narrow. The gospel is amazing, it makes sense, it makes life clearer, its definitely more interesting than any earthly thing, and it gives me real strength. I've already changed so much! I remember when I feared talking to somebody at the cash register haha. It’s hard, but anything worthwhile always is =P

This last week we baptized Linda, it was another miracle. The Lord knows when people are prepared. When we went to interview her I thought for sure she wouldn't pass, because she stopped drinking coffee for just one day. But we brought with us our secret weapon. Elder Dos Santos. He's a Brazilian version of Brad lol. When we found out that she wanted to be baptized after the interview I was kind of shocked and thought that it was too early. I told my comp that we probably should wait a week. Because she said that she would like to wait a week and also she was ADDICTED to coffee. But my comp went ahead with it anyways. After her baptism she came up to us with tears in her eyes and just thanked us for changing her life and said she'd make us cake or something. My comp kind of rubbed it in my face for a while but I like to think that he was just trying to say that we don't know what could have happened during the week if we didn’t baptize her when she was prepared.

Oh and I got transferred! My new area is more like the city now and my new comp is Elder R. Gomes, he's a Brazilian and only has a little more than a year in the mission. He's from Sao Paulo and kind of quiet. Maybe he'll give me a chance to talk =P haha jk my other comps always gave me a chance I just never took it.

Alright, Jesse, happy b day you old turd. I love you guys, and have a good week!!

Elder Romm

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Mission President

Hey Family!
So yesterday we had zone conference with our new president, he’s from Utah and is way, way into fly-fishing and camping. And they brought with them their two of their kids. Real Americans! It was actually pretty weird to talk with them. Americans are pretty strange. It was funny to watch their confused little faces when all the American missionaries tried to speak English with them and all that came out was portanglish.

Transfers are next week, I’ll find out whether I stay or go on my birthday, I’ll be 20 -what the?, and I don’t know what will happen. If I stay we will baptize about 8 people in July, but I’m getting tired of doing contacts and being reject by the same people a second time around lol. This last Sunday we taught a family of five and they are awesome. We marked 5 baptismal dates with them for the 18th of July and they are going to get baptized for sure. They are sooo funny. It was like I was teaching a first lesson to my own family. My companion pretty much called the dad ancient and everybody almost died laughing lol. He was talking about how he saw one of the chapels when it was being built in the neighborhood next to ours and my comp was like, "Yea, it’s a way old building." Also we got a new ward mission leader, he got home from the mission this last week and he's way fired up and was an amazing missionary. Hmm I’m convincing myself to that I want to stay We told Claudia and Sheina that one of us was probably leaving last week. They didn't think that was cool. I laughed though, just to break the awkward silence.

Sounds like its hot there and the bass are starting to bite. And what the Wayne got married? Gah! I would just like to state for the record that I totally called it. The picture turned out good though, para bems su safadinho =P I forgot if I said anything about this already...oh well. I love you guys CTR and read your scriptures, oh and has anyone heard from Cam in Japan?

Elder Romm